December 1, 2008


The one thing that cinched the deal in buying this house was the entrance to the house. Those stairs closed the deal for me. My first home had nice stairs with high ceilings and this one triples what I had before. In the summer of 2007, I was already envisioning lighted garland strung everywhere. I'm not sure if I want to put bows on them though. Last year I think I only put 3 (front bridge and baluster at the beginning of the stairs). What do you guys think? It'll be too much?





I love walking around when the lights are on at night. Makes my home feel warm and cozy. My kids light them up when there's a hint of darkness coming up. Makes me feel good seeing how much they enjoy it as I do. Well, I am a kid at heart and at 5', I could technically be one too. lol Is there a thing you guys do that makes you smile? Either a decoration or just certain smells or food?

A Bientot!



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