May 22, 2012

Summer List 2012.

I'm sure you have seen those summer list everywhere in blogland and maybe even Pinterest (didn't check it out). We are doing one again this year. The kids loved doing one in 2010, 2011 and now 2012. Some things were a bit more adventurist (rock climbing) while some were more tame (make cookies). We're hoping to do it all before school starts.
Are you making one? If so, what's in yours? Might give us some ideas and make a second poster board. :)

A Bientot!


Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

This is so cute. I have seen some you have done in the past years. Each time I think , I need to do this. I really want to do it this year!! My kids are in school until June 7 Th. SO, I still have time!! Great idea!!


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