October 13, 2012

Ta-Da!!!....a few weeks later!

This whole blogging while working full time and taking care of business at home is hard! lol I always have good intentions but after 10pm, I'm tired and vow to type the post the next day. We know how that went.

My husband and I finished installing our floors. I love it! No more carpet. No more washing that carpet and waiting for it to dry. Yuck. Now a new area rug would look cute but not necessary. We'll see. 
And to make you guys laugh, here's a photo my daughter took. Child doesn't know how to use my camera correctly and probably used whatever setting it was on previously. There was one where my girls were pretty pushed up by my knee and looked wayyy to revealing. That one WON'T be appearing on my blog. lol
A bientot!


Karen Mortensen said...

The floor looks great.


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