June 16, 2008

Ma petite fille

She's not petite anymore. She's going to start kindergarden this year. I can still see in my mind a tiny infant on a hospital bed getting dresses by a tired but happy mommy. Her eyes were squinty so I assumed she got my hubby's Japanese genes. Sadly no. I remember hubby's finger being squeezed by her and his comment of how strong she was. soupir. Time does fly by so quickly! Ok, enough with that! On to how pretty my daughter was on her birthday. Yes, I am biased and I think people are nice looking but i think my daughter got the best from both of us. Here's a few pics...well ok, some....well ALOT of pictures. LOL




Love this book. Besides the child having a beautiful name..well I am kinda fancy in these parts of town. I love high heels and I dress up even going to the grocery store or a 7 hours long plane trip to Montreal. My daughter is also quite fancy. Takes after me I guess.

Yes, you can see something "off" in this picture. Please ignore it. If I knew how to photoshop it, I would. For those of you who cannot see it, don't email me for what it is.




The aftermath




I wanted to post more pics but I don't know if the parents of the children would like that so I omitted them. The pinata? Oh, that sucker didn't want to die but I had to open it up a bit since it didn't want to give in. Here is what's left of him.


Poor thing. I think next time I do a pinata, it'll be with the strings. Although it was fun swinging at it, it made me sad to see it destroyed too. Such a weirdo but most people love me. Right??? Right?!!!
A bientot!


Anonymous said...

Off? Good thing it was on! :-)
What a cute birthday cake! And the cake stand got to work again :-)
I just LOVE the new sofa.

Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

Ha ha!

Thanks. Hubby chose the style and I the color. Some people think I'm pretty brave to have a light color with 2 kids and a dog. What can I say? I LOVE a challenge! ;)


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