September 19, 2008

C'est une auto???

I have to say that since moving to California, I have seen so many old cars (from the 20's, 30's & 50's) to some real junkers. After picking up my son from preschool, this is what I saw while waiting for the light to change.

I took off the licence # since I don't want people searching out for this car. Also, my car needs a good wash so please forgive me for the dusty glass. Also, see the gas prices? How sad is that I'm happy it's not $4.59 a gallon anymore? soupir.



Have you seen anything like this before? The tires were covered by the car. What would happen if they has a tire blowout? Would that be dangerous?? I had to drive past them to take a pic of the front.


Only in America!

A bientot!


Anonymous said...


You danger woman you, taking pics while driving! :P


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