January 24, 2009


I've been tagged! Celia from Célia Novais Rosado tagged me in Portuguese. I can read Portuguese but cannot write. My mom says it's easy since you write as you talk. Hmmm. Don't want to look like a fool so I'll answer in English.

1- Escrever uma lista com 8 coisas que sonhe fazer ou com as quais sonhe;
2- Convidar 8 bloguistas a responder ao mesmo;
3- Comentar no blog do qual partiu o desafio;
4- Comentar no Blog de quem desafiamos;
5- Cumprir as regras.

The 8 things that I dream to do or want to dream of.
1-Being healthy and having my family healthily for life.
2-Buying a home in Montreal for vacation time. (Hahahahahaha!)
3-Both my kids graduate from college and have good careers.
4-My kids not being in debt and be independent.
5-Buying a small cottage downtown when we become empty nesters.
6-Travel the world.
7-Not have a mortgage.
8-Racism will be gone and our grand kids will think it was absurd that some people still were in my time.

Now I need to invite 8 bloggers to be tagged. I have to link the blog that tagged me. I will have to notify the taggers on their blog. And they need to understand the rules. (translated by moi).
If you want to be tagged, let me know! I know too many blogs to tag and I read more than 8 blogs.

Winky 2

A Bientot!


Célia Novais Rosado said...

You did it great! Thanks for replying to my tagg.




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