April 4, 2009

Tip in the kitchen.

Who likes to cut onions or mince garlic? Yeah, I don't and probably some of you don't like it too. Apart from making your eyes tear up, it can also leave you with smelly hands.

I'm sure you have probably seen a steel bar that promises to get rid of the smell by rubbing it all over your hands. Well here's a tip that might save you some money and space in your kitchen. Rub your hands on your stainless steel sink or pots. It does the same thing than those metal bars. It's made from the same material so it will do the same job. Now I am not promising that your hands will be sweet smelling again but hey, why spend when you don't need too? Right?
A Bientot!


jenbusymom said...

I just saw those in the store the other day!


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