July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

To my family and friends in Canada, I hope you guys are enjoying the day drinking and eating!

Canada Day

A side note, back in Montreal, we don't have month to month leases. It's usually a year long lease and the move in date is usually July 1st. If you were to stroll in Montreal, you would see people moving, sitting on their stoop or balcony, drinking beer and eating pizza. lol It's a very common thing. So to my Montrealers, happy moving day and enjoy your Molson or Labatt.

Beer FrauEating Pizza

A Bientot!


jenbusymom said...

Hi Nancy,

Sorry I've been hiding lately, things have been so busy and hectic lately now that school is out! I see you've been keeping busy in the kitchen still and busy coming up with new and creative ideas! I stole your teacher appreciation gifts and took some pictures to post, which I will do soon! Thx for the Canada day wishes, you're right, only add in the moving trucks and garbage on on the street corners!


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