January 17, 2010

Galette des Rois

Last weekend, we went to my friend's home for a Galette des Rois party. I have to say we all had a great time. I also saw a friend at her home that I haven't seen in over 3 years! My husband tried for the first time Foie Gras (which I told him it was peanut butter or he wouldn't try it) and was "eh" about it. My son discovered video games and my daughter had fun playing with the girls. I for one had a bit too much of cordial and champagne. It doesn't take much for me to feel dizzy at my size.

There was Frenchs, Americans and one Canadian in the group. Care to guess who that Canadian was? lol Although my French is different than from France, it was nice speaking French with other people. You can get rusty if you don't.

The Frenchmen.


The French and American women.


Here's my son trying to figure out how to play using a game console (is that what it's called these days???) The older boys were very nice and patient with him.



My daughter didn't get the feve. Ahh poor baby! lol


Two ladies from the party made the galettes. We didn't get the feve but one little girl did. I can't remember who was crowned king but I noticed the crown being passed around with the boys. The galette was delicious and I also had some marrons glaces (sugared soaked chestnuts). Sure I packed some calories that night but it's not an everyday thing so why not?!

Kids with the galette.


At the end of the party, they had some noise maker thing. You pull on the string and it was a loud pop and strings come out. My son went crazy over these.



We all had a great time and had to head home since it was a long car ride for us. If we lived closer, we would of stayed a bit longer.

The guests were going to play golf on the Wii as we were leaving.


***Merci Karen pour la soiree. On s'est tous amuses chez toi et Christopher parle d'avoir un vrai jeux de video. Pauvre petit. Il devra attendre quelques annees pour ca. hihihi ***

A Bientot!


jenbusymom said...

Looks like a fun night!


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