May 24, 2010

She finally lost it!

No, not my mind nor my daughters'. She finally lost her first tooth at a ripe old age of 6 11/12 years old! lol We were sure she would lose it on the last day of school but I think she played with it a lot and it popped out. Boy was she excited!



The "tooth fairy" came and left her $5. Lets say it would of been nice if Mr. Tooth Fairy cleared a passage way to her pillow so that Mrs. Tooth Fairy didn't have to crawl on all fours and feel the floor for books. lol Now what to do with the tooth? What do you guys do?

Here she is from this morning. I thought getting dollar bills would seem more fun than getting one $5 bill. She's learning about money but I thought the visual of seeing multiple bills would appeal to her more.

Wonder when her other teeth will pop out? Next one won't be as expensive as the first one though. hihihi

A Bientot!


Wanda said...

Awh....congrats - it's a new era and there's no turning back.

Our "tooth fairy" left a little note saying she just knew that Dahlia would want to keep the tooth so she left it along with the loot.

Good going Mom!


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