January 26, 2011


My backyard concrete that is. With the rain we got a few weeks back and the overgrown raspberry bush, my concrete looks terrible. It was black, green and orange from our wonderdul clay dirt in Nor Cal! I was dreading the hard brush with a bucket but I had no choice...until a friend said a power washer would clean it up. Whahhhh??? Really? Then he said I can borrow his. WHAAAAHHH???? REALLY???? lol I was so giddy you have no idea. I couldn't wait to attack my backyard!

This is some photos of the worst areas in my backyard. The first one is from my dead tomato plants that toppled over during our trip up north. With the rain and cold, it left a nasty imprint. soupir.
This one is from the dining room entry. Teeny tiny dried up dead worms that were stuck on the concrete and the wonderful green moss that wanted to pop in and say hello!
Courtesy of my raspberry bush leaves. Yeah. No words.
I started cleaning at 3:30pm and stopped just before 6pm. I had to since it was getting dark and I couldn't see much anymore. Rats! Plus that power washer is loud and I like to keep peace with my neighbors. lol Boy, can that baby clean! I know what I want for my birthday now. Some women like jewlery, parfum or shoes...I like powerful cleaning machines! hihihi

Here's what it looks like right now. The concrete is still wet but I can't wait to see how it'll look once it dry.  I have to say, it looks great even wet compared to what it looked before. Bah buy tiny worms!
A Bientot!


Bar-b said...

that is SUPER impressive, Nance. Wow. It looks awesome. *in a whiny voice* I want a power washer toooooooooooooo.



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