September 20, 2008

Felons livng among us.

I just so happen to be reading a new blog, Living A Dream, when I saw her post about felons living in your neighborhood. Now we probably all know about Amber Alert website but what about convicted felons? Felon Spy shows you people who were convicted of a felony living in your area.
I'm surprised there's a few that were convicted as attempted robberies, vehicular manslaughter, using firearms,sexual child abuse, etc. Wow. So far all of them are men. It doesn't tell you were they live but gives you their name and age.
I think it's a good tool to know who is living close to you. Living in a new area, you sometimes get to meet new people. It's better to know who is living with you than pretend it's all smiles and sunshine in your world. Alas, our world isn't as safe as it was years ago. Just thought I would share this with you since most of you readers are moms/parents and we just want our families to be safe from harm.

A bientot.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link!

Although, it did have a couple felons living in the lake at the end of my street!


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