It's that wonderful time of year! No, not Christmas but back to school for the kids! lol We had a good summer but we also have sibling bickering for anything.
"Mom! He's looking at me!!!", "Mom!! She's touching me!!", "Mom!!!!!!" Yeah, Mom just wants some peace and quiet sometime.
This year I have a second grader and a fourth grader. Dear Lord, one of these days my post will be "I have a college grad and a university grad". Yikes! As a way to ease any stressful moments the teacher may have, I like to give them a "hands up". New class, new students and maybe things could be forgotten. I tried to think what will help them if they are stuck and cannot leave the room to grab something. Here enters the Teacher Survival Kits. Some to eat, drink or fix. I usually spend a bit more on the "box" itself since I want it to be functional after the goodies are gone.

My teacher survival kit includes, a cute bowl & spoon, Special K cereal, gum, Cliff bar, hand lotion, hand sanitizers, wipes, tissues, lip balm, Aspirin, Crystal Light Lemonade single serve packet, sewing kit and a Starbucks gift card to perk them up.
I hope they like it and of course, use it all. Have you started doing these kits in the past years or maybe thinking of doing one? Doesn't have to be this elaborate. A gift card and snack would be a great gift for the first day of school. Simple but thoughtful.
Can't wait for tomorrow! Now if only the kids will be as thrilled as their mom. lol
A Bientot!